What is Voip and VoipDiscount Rate Technology Is It Worth Your Time to Consider Home Phone vs IP Phone

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he routers job is to connect multiple networks together its job is toconnect your home's network system with the internet, which technicallythe world's largest networking systemu only have one computer that s connected to your service to theet or any type of device connected to the internet, then you may notneed a router at all You could simply attach your VolP service right to thebroadband service that you have Yet, this is simply uncommon todayose that do have more than one device that will connectthen a routermust a router will help you to connect to the intereach point that you have the need Routers enable you to share oneconnection to the internet with several devices at the same time Thisallows you to log into your internet connection from more than order to do this your router will use Network Address translation whicis also called NAT

This technology allows you to share one IP addresswhich is assigned to your computer by your internet service provider as adistinction of who you areOne benefit that a router can provide to you is the ability to provide afirewall to your network A firewaprotect your computesorts of things like spyware, malware and viruses from getting in A firewalcan help to keep problems like this from infecting your computer andltimately bringing down your computer networkven if you do only have one computer, or one device that requires internetconnectivity, you still need a firewall to protect your internet accesshose that have the need for a router will also find it to provide many otheuseful features in regards to internet usage For example, you can blockspecif ic websites from being traveled to, which is wonderful advantage for ahome with childreOr, you can determine a time to cut off usage of the internet in the homehis is helpful to those that want to turn off their connection(even theiVolP service)at any timeven better, routers are excellent tools for the wireless technology youhave You can use routers to help you to connect your PDA, your MP3

layer, or your laptop(any device that wants and can get online for thatatter)to the internet It can do this without have to deal with wiresbecause of the wireless technology which it provides to your homeSum UpIn other words youdBroadband internet accessEither: a standard phone with a volP adapterOr, a computer that features a microphoneOr, a specialized volP phoneRouterhats it! There are no costly wiring projects to worry about and you wontneed to do crazy configurations with your internet service either (or youcomputer for that mannerthe way of tools for VolP, theothid Later, youlearn some tools that you may want to consider adding to your service asthe re you have subscribed to the VolP service, they will help you to decideht type of technology for their service and for your needst is also important to point out that much of what you will need to get VolPup and running in your home will come to you with the help of your volPprovider Most providers will present you with the volP adapters that youneed for your phone

You'll also be able to get the necessary software foryour computerhere are some tools that you need to get or have on your own, thougFor example, your headset or microphone for using VolP over thecomputer is up to you to purchase That goes for your router too Thesehings are not all that expensive, though a router may cost you under $50

depending on where you live and your needs for itYour broadband service is something you also need to subscribe to whichdoes offer an additional cost per month to use But, dependithe typof service that you have right now, you may actually save money byswitching from dial up internet to broadband internet access

Look intocompanies that offer internet access to compare prices and speedChapter 3: Making Calls Using voIPAs we have mentioned, using VolP is easy to do WIu are looking tomake a call to someone next door or someone on the other side of theplanet, the process is basically the same thinghere are some differences that range widely from one carrier of VolPtypes of service and the type of product that you have to make callsNevertheless, it is an easy to understand processLocal And Long Distancehe most common question that is asked of individuals that are consideringwitching to Volp is that of how it works for local calls as well as longdistance callshis changes somewhat from one vendor to txt, but in most cVolP doesn't charge a per rate calattheir∨oPservice to contact other individuals that have volP In most cases theprovider of the volp service will allow you to use this service to call othersthat have itSome providers of volP will allow you to make calls to individuals that liveanother area code other than where you live

ddition you should realize that although youaking long distance calls, those that call you that do not have volPstill incur the charges of a long distance call, based on what their longdistance provider requiresSome VolP services are different For example, some providers maycharge you much like your current long distance plan charges, just at alarge discount This may be that you are charged a long distance call whelyou call individuals that live outside of your calling area This would be setip quite like the standard, wire line telephone service currentlyAdditionally, volP providers are sometimes offering their calling services ata flat rate, again, like wire line telephone services

You may have aselected number of minutes to use per month tooBefore you sign up with any type of volP service provider, you should findout what they have to offer as well as the costs for each option they offer soat you can compareWho can You call with volP?Another aspect of using VolP is who you can call Each provider offersdifferent definition of this and for that reason you should look into this morethoroughly to allow you to compare the options that you havelere is a look at some of the options out theremited: Some VolP providers only allow you to call other people usingVolP that already have volP themselvessomeone that doesnt have volP, you would have to use a standard longdistance plaIyou wouldn't be able to connect to them If you callsomeone that has volP, you would connect to them through that serviceUnlimited: Some VolP providers will allow you to call anyone that hasone number This may not be limited to home phones, either Yo

be able toyone that has a phone number even those that havenobile phone/cell phone numbers, long distance numbers and eventernational phone numbWith unlimited use, you,'ll be able to call others that do not have volPthey would not need to have any specialized equipment to talk to yoThevcould use their standard home phoneProviders also range in the services that they provide with VolP callingexample, some may allow you to talk to several people with olP service atone time while others do not offer this servicehe features and benefits of each provider of volP is something you'll learmore about lateteach you how to choose the right provider of yourserviceHere are a few other questions that are often asked about volPDoes my computer need to be turned on to use it?No! there is no need to worry about if your computer is on or off

It wwill need to be one If your VolP runs through your computer mputer, thenk for both needs Ifleed to make a cneeds to beCan I use my computer and be on the phone at the same time?Yes, in most cases, you can be on both the computer and your VolPserviceCan I take volP with me when i travel?these services fdr y of the best providers of VolP service are offeritBelieve it or notow do l know if there's a phone call coming in?

If you have a traditione that uses an adapter for volP, yourvill ring just as it would if you were using a standard, analog phone If youare using your computer, your computer will alert you when there is a calcoming in using VolP through the software that s installedDoes it sound good?While many worry that it will sound choppy or it will be too quiet to hear,hats not the case volp works wethose that use it and you won 't beable to tell the differenceWhat about wireless computers and hot spots?through that laptop, chances are good that you'll be able to use your VolPservice at hot spots located in coffee houses, in diners and even in airportsYour provider must offer this service, thougNow, let's move on to more topics about VolPChapter 4: The Advantages And Disadvantages of volPhere are both good and bad things about volP

Most of the time, it is anexcellent tool for accomplishing the tasks that you want and need to do Infact, it may just be the phone of the future in the next decade, but for that toappen the need for high speed internet access must be met by all thatdesire its you are consideringist pay attention tohave in it There is much to consider both with advantagedisadvantages

The Advantagess always good to start with the positives, and volP technology does offehis is especially true if yup in the way of already having a broadband connection and having thenecessary equipment(microphone, headset, and/or router ) If you havehis, then you are already set to be benefited by all that can be offered toNo Land Line: One of the first benefits that you get by having VolP is theeed to remove your land line telephone service Don't worry, theres noneed to dig uprd here Simply disconnecting from expensive longdistance is one of the best benefits that volp will offer to you without thneed for a traditional landline, you are able to stop paying for it, tooUnlimited Communication Some of the better vervice providersallow you to communicate with people around the world for as long as youwant, with little cost For example, if you were to purchase a flat rateservice for VolP, you would be able to connect to your friend in Japan thathas it and talk to them over the internet for literally hours on end without thefear of costbenefit thatle have bdevastating it can be to not pick up the phone and call a loved one becauseit is too expensive to do so

Now, you can easily do so without the worry ocost with a flat rate serviceMultiple Connections: Most VolP service providers melitoommunicate to others as youe fit But, what if you want toseveral people all at one time? This is called 3way calling on traditionalland lines and it can be a costly investment which is why most people don'teven bother to get it added to their phone linesWith VolP, you can connect and talk to many people, as many aswithout having to pay this additional fee That can leave you with just thebenefits that you are looking for in VoIP

Table of ContentsIntroductionChaptehat Is VolP TechnologyChapter 2: What You Need To Use VolPChapter 3: Making Calls Using VolPChapter 4: The Advantages And DisadvantagesChapter 5: The Business side of VolPChapter 6: Finding A VolP ProviderChapter 7: The Installation Of VolP TechnologyChapter 8: Using VolP For EverythingConclusiontroductionhe one definitive thing that should be said about volP technology is thatwill transform your life

There are many ways in whichYou've heard commercials and seen a million different advertisements fo

VolP Now it's time to learn all that you can about this technolso thatyou can add it to your lifeVolP is one type of technology that offers mostly benefits and it is definitelye able to startsaving money right away, one of the largest reasons to switch your longdistance service to volphroughout this e-book, we'll explore what VolP is and how it will transforme

You'll be able to explore the options that are available to yolearn how to use VolP in your home and in your business and you'll quicklsee how you'll save a small fortune on itBeing fair, there are a few disadvantages to this technology, but we'll showyou how to completely take advantage of all that VolP can offer everaround these consideration If you are on the edge trying to decide if youwant to switch to VolP, we'lI help you to make that decisionbenefit that voiP promises is that itrovide you with highquality long distance services without the cost that usually goes along withWhat the long distance companies don't want you to know is that it iscompletely simple to use and it will allow you to call locations around theworld, easilynstead of going with just what the VolP sales people are offering orcounting on what the long distance carriers are saying, take the time to fullylearn what the options are that you have Learning about VolP for yourselfwill allow you to make the best decision, regardless of the sales talk thatou will find everywhere is a view of volp that is honest and fair and that will provide you withthe information you need to make a decision about this serviceRead through The Definitive Guide To VolP and make your own decisionabout its worthiness in your home and your businessChapter 1: What Is volP Technology?

What have you heard about VolP? Now, forget about it What you shouldlearn about it you'll learn here

Remember, sales marketing has really donea job on VolP to this degreeWhat Does volP Do?en you Instachnology into your home, you'll have the ability tok to others using Voice Over Internet Protocol (VolP )All that meansthat you'll be able to use the phone that s connected to the internet to makenstead of phone lines that traditionally run over the electrical or phoneines in your home already, volP uses your internet connection insteadYour standard phone will plug into the volP adapter to be usedother phone technology It gives you the same basic results It sound gS, you won't be able to tell the difference in using VolPeasy, right? It really is that simpleVolP TechnologyWith the help of VolP technology, you can communicate over your internetnes, which will also happen to be a no costing way to do soo do thiveral key things will be necessaryeed to connect your standard telephone to an adapter unit thatcomputer to make your calls instead of a phone

2 When you pick up the phone to dial your friend across the ocean, theapalizes what you are doing and turns the voice signals youare sending into your phone into digital based signals These are then sentacross the ocean through the Internet, instead of trag throug3 Your friend receives your call in the same way He or she will pick up thephone when you call and then volP goes to work again

This time itanslates the digital like signals back into a standard voice transmissionWhen your friend uses their phone they hear your voice, nothing moreAs you can seely doesnt make much of a difference in theexperience that you have using the telephone You'll be doing the sameng that you are already doingleres how it worksPhone Call -To- Adapter-Internet-Adapter-To-PhoneAlthough it may seem like this process takes time, it really does not It witake little to no time to convert you voice into a digital signal to go over thenternet service that you have and back into your voice so youndhear you In fact, the process happens so fast you may not even realizewhat is happening at all and not realize you are using itComputer CommunicationAnother option that you may have comes in the form of using the computeror example ifike to call your friend instead of using your telephone to make the call, youe your computen order to do this, you will need to have a computer that has a microphoneed in it ThWhen you move to make a call, you will simply use the software thattalled on your computer to call your friend When they answer, you can

k to them without any type of handset Instead, you'll use the microphoneto talk intohe process is still the same The computer will take your voice andanslate it into a digital signal which is then sent over the internet to yourfriend's computer They can either use the phone or their own computer tok to you The voice once again changes from a digital signal into anactual voice and you hear your friend just as you would if you had dialeddo this by using a computer that is equipped with a headsetthat allows you to speak into it for more privacyAs you can see, VolP technology is quite easy to use You'll be able tostall it into your computer and phone system quickly and easily You'll beable to get it in and using it quickly

9n a business environment, VolP works about the same way In moscases thoris even better ball allow any size of business tostay connected to their clients, suppliers and business associates aroundrldf you are considering VolP technology for your business, you'll findadditional information about that in later chapters What you should knowow is that it is an ideal tool for communication in any field and in any uset will help you to stay in connection as well as let you to save on costlyng distancehe benefits of using volP are easy to spot It is easy and it savesmoney! But, beyond this, there are additional benefits in having the abilityto connect to others around the world If you are ready to pick up youphone and order it, don't do it just yet You need to understand a bit moreabout how it works and why it works You also need to understand whayou need to make it work in your personal home or in your businessenvironmentChapter 2: What You Need To Use VolP

n order for you to take advantage of VolP, you will need to have someequipment The good news is that it is not complex, difficult to install and itsot generally that expensivehe one requirement that you simply can not go without is broadband orhigh speed internet connectionsWhat Is Broadband?Understanding what broadband internet service is happens to be importanIf you don ' t have this type of connection yet to the internet, you may want tose it If you dont have it, you are probably using dial up access toconnect to the weble there isnt anything wrong with dial up, the way that broadband worksakes connecting to the internet faster and even simpler When you usethis method of connection, you'll be able to get online faster and even surfthrough the pages you want to go to quicker That allows many benefitsand of itselfBroadband is quite fast and it is the way of the future in technology fornternet access

It may be a bit confusingderstand how broadbandtechnology actually works, as it is somewhat complex, it is easy tounderstand just how beneficial it can beBroadband works by allowing for a larger amount of data to move faster alat one time a good way to understand it is to consider your water pipesyou replace your old pipe( drnet) with a larger, wider pipe(broadband) you are now allowing much more information to get throughand therefore allowing the water to move through it easiere larger that the pipe is, the more water can go through it The same istrue with broadband With the higher bandwidth that it uses, broadband canget you around the internet faster and even gets you off the telephone lineyou are currently using with dial up accesshe benefits of broad band include the ability to download infomationfaster, the ability to connect to websites, to view movies and yes, even to

k to other people using your internet connection That's where VolPVolP technology simply could not work well over dial up access to thenternet because it is not fast enough and it can not carry the signals fastenoughn order for you to use volP, you need to have broadband internet accessYou can use this type of internet access through your current cablemodem, through your dsL or even through a local high speed cablenetwork offerNo matter which of these you have, VolP technology is likely to be able tobe used with itYour AdaptationBefore you can get the VolP technology, you'll also have to have the righttools to communicate over the internet As we mentioned earlier, you canse your computer with a microphone or a headset with a micro phone aswell as an adapter for your telephone They also make specialized phoneshe style of these services that you need or can use will depend on thetype of VolP thatct

since VolP is not a brand name, so to speakhere are actually several services that you can purchase it from Thatmeans that there are differences in each of the carriers that you use volPhroughSome VolP technologies work through the computer only For this type ofapplication, you'll need to be able to use a microphone or a headset tocommunication You may be able to use this service with the help of aMany other services allow you to use a standard phone but with the help ofan adapter Here, you'll need to purchase the adapter that will plug intoyour phone and into your modemyou are using a computer to use VolP services, you will need the rightsoftware installed into your computer generally this comes to you when

you purchase volP services The microphone that you need can be quiteexpensive, generally under $20you go with the specialized phone to connect to VolP services, you'llbeable to purchase a phone that will plug right into the broadband connectionhave It doesnt need to plug into the phone jackn any way The specialized phones work just like a traditional phone in thatyou'll pick up the receiver, dial the number and instantly get the person onthe otheFinally, if you use VolP through a standard telephone with an adapter, youwill be able to dial the same as you do right nowhe only difference is that your phone may not have a dial tone(in mostcases ) Your service provider generally provides this type of service to itsclients and home users easilyYou should know a bit more about the adapter that you may be using Itd an ata or ahone Adapter

In order to provide service toyou, this device connects to your broadband internet service connectionsing a router, the third component in using VolPo do this, it will use an Ethernet(RJ45)cable and it will connect to youphone using a telephone cable(Rj11)to complete the circuithe ata is necessary for transferring your analog information into theusable digital media that can be carried over the internet so that you calchat with others The adapter must then send this digital signal to the routeu computer which then will determine the right route to take to getthe right network and finally to the person that you were planning on callingstantly thouYour routerMany people that have broadband internet service already have a router inplace Thats because it is necessary for you to if you have more than onecomputer that you wish to connect to the internet If not, you'll need tourchase one They do not usually come with your volP package, but canor an additional charge