Xbox One Stereo Headset Adapter

NOTE: CHANGED STEPS UNDER FEATURE 1 - ADDED STEPS 6 & 7 to resolve common issues. I purchased this product to allow me to use my Turtle Beach DX12 microphone for in-game chat (instead of the Kinect mic). It works perfectly. But for those of you who are thinking of buying this product, you should know that it basically serves TWO purposes, and depending on what you use it for, it depends on how the volume control buttons work on the stereo headset adapter. adapter to allow your old gaming headset with OPTICAL AUDIO inputs (Turtle Beaches, Astros, etc.) Adapter to make your 3rd party headset microphone work and you can hear and control chat volume through your 3rd party headset and /or adapter buttons). When using the adapter this way, in order to get the functionality you're looking for (using the third-party headset's microphone to chat while getting game audio ONLY from the Xbox One's optical output), you will need to do the following:1) Turn on your system2) Update the controller3) Connect the 2.5mm cord from your third party headset to the adapter4) Press the button on the bottom left of the adapter (looks like a person with a "+" sign on their body) until you hear a beep. 100% Cat. *NOTE*: If you haven't set them up this way, you'll get a slight in-game "Echo" here because the adapter will output the game volume as well as the chat volume, and you don't need to no adapter game volume since you get it from the Xbox One optical output. 5) You can now use the 2 buttons on the right (the "Master Volume" buttons) to control the chat volume by game.6)* IF YOU HEAR A CRACK and your Xbox One's Dolby Digital Surround is ENABLED VIA OPTICAL OUT, you need to RESET YOUR CONSOLE ON SCREEN after completing the steps above (hold the power button for 10 seconds, let the system turn off, wait 10 seconds and turn the system back on). This will solve the occasional "creaking" problem. 7)* For some reason this adapter makes MICROPHONES SUPER SENSITIVE. If you're at a party and YOUR FRIENDS COMPLAIN THAT YOUR MIC IS SOUNDING BAD/LOUD, just pull the mic away from your mouth (6" worked for me) and talk at a normal volume. This stops the "Poor" sound quality from the microphone to occur. I have been told that this issue may be fixed in an upcoming firmware update. ----------------- ------------------------------------------FEATURE 2: Using this adapter to enable ANY HEADSET to provide you with audio and chat functionality in the game (if the headset already has a built-in microphone) When using the adapter for this purpose, the GAME and CHAT audios are derived from the controller (coming out of the stereo headset adapter you plug the headset into). Since both forms of audio come from the adapter, the volume adjustment buttons serve the purposes stated in the instruction manual: to the left of the mute button ==> Changes the ratios. game/chat volume rts (e.g. you are 50% game and 50% chat, then game and chat volumes will be the same level...if you are 70% game and 30% chat chat, your game volume will be louder than the chat volume, but you can still hear both... if you are 100% game and 0% chat, then you have full game volume and you won't be able to hear the chat - it is effectively "muted")To the right of the mute button ==> This is the "Master Volume" control. Once you have your game/chat ratios where you like them... you can then increase the OVERALL AUDIO OUTPUT using this button. I hope this will help you!