Why do gamers like RGB Lights?
Credit: HyperX
In the world of PC peripherals, RGB lighting is ubiquitous. The soft kaleidoscope glow of a keyboard in a dimly lit room is so synonymous with gaming; it almost became a caricature.
But, despite this, it's often unclear why consumers - and especially gamers - desire, appreciate and prefer RGB lighting on their gear over the alternative. From the outside, it is difficult to know where and when the trend started, nor to find the justification for it.
So what's the problem? Why are so many gamers and gaming brands salivating at the thought of integrating RGB LED bulbs into their mice, keyboards, headsets, and even speakers?
According to Dr Marcus Carter, senior lecturer in digital cultures at the University of Sydney, the answer stems from both practicality on the part of manufacturers and a sense of pride on the part of consumers.
Speaking to PC World, he says part of the answer lies in the history around the development and evolution of LED bulbs as a technology.
“LEDs first became available in the 1960s in red, then green, then orange/yellow, and it wasn't until the mid-1990s that blue LEDs were possible. When you can create blue, you can create any color, and that's why the invention of the blue LED won a Nobel Prize in 2014."
Credit: Logitech
"So in the 1990s, as custom computer electronics came on the scene, blue, as a new color on the block, became the most popular. Blue also
always been associated with science fiction
, and representations of the future because it is a rare color in organic matter. »
The other half of the story here is that the “battle station” aesthetic of PC games often reflects the relationship between games and the materiality of computing.
In a conference given at DIGRAAA 2015 entitled
The Battlestation Kandy Kolored Tangerine-Flake wall-mounted, water-cooled and colored LED
, Carter and his colleagues drew parallels between the culture around computers and car culture. They argued that “battlestations are not just sites of media consumption, but the expression of a culture of creative and vernacular production. "
"Like custom cars, the long hours of labor involved in building a battle station serve to demonstrate technical prowess and cultural capital within a male subculture that finds pleasure in intimate technological relationships and performatives.”
Still, says Carter, "that doesn't really tell us why RGB is popular now." /aesthetics of the machine? It's still a flex, because it's more expensive than a single RGB color, but I'm sure that's not the whole story. Maybe an evolutionary psychologist would say it's because we like shiny and flashy things!"
Credit: IDG/Hayden Dingman
For another perspective on this, we reached out to Dr Jane Gavan, a senior lecturer at Sydney College of the Arts who specializes in the use of light in the contexts of design, art and product innovation.
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According to his research on the fluorescent color of daylight in commercial applications, “these colors are often used to mark the owner as someone who owns more than one version of something. A luminous keyboard has a certain status.”
"You see a lot of players buying these keyboards, it's part of the identity of this cultural group."
In addition to meaning something new, novel, or cutting-edge, Gavan also speculates that there could be "an unnoticeable improvement for gamers who use these keyboards." optimize performance, because the eye sees color much faster than we see text.”
When looking at the glitzy battle stations of modern PC games, it's also very easy to think of the shared imagery between gaming and gaming. RGB is not that far removed from the portrait of a slot addict sitting in a casino or RSL.
Associate Professor Sally Gainsbury, Co-Director of the University of Sydney's Gambling Treatment and Research Clinic said that "there is evidence that lights and sounds have an impact on gambling - in that sense. that it makes games more engaging, entertaining, and spellbinding to the point that it can be immersive, or that it creates a type of conditioned response such that there is a positive reaction to machines that can lengthen a gaming session.”
"However, lights and sounds are interrelated with other aspects of play products, which likely play a larger role in any conditioned learning response such as intermittent reinforcement programs."
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Credit: IDG/Hayden Dingman
It is important to note that current evidence suggests that these similarities between the two hobbies do not necessarily play a big role when it comes to their degree of addiction.
According to Gainsbury, “That would be overkill. say that isolated lights play a huge role in addictive behaviors. But, the lights and sounds increase the pleasure and the positive association with the products. »
From the perspective of RGB accessory maker Logitech, the argument for switching to RGB over alternatives comes down to giving customers a voice. .
Speaking to PC World, Daniel Hall, Logitech Australia's Cluster Category Manager for Logitech G, Astro and Blue Microphones, said that "first and foremost, it's about customization."
“The advantage [of RGB] being that rather than being set to a single color from the factory, you have 16.8 million colors to choose from, so it's really up to your own imagination. Then, through software, you can then specify these colors by key, by zones, or by game or application. I think a lot of people tend to do it to express themselves. »
Hall describes the difference between the Logitech G413 gaming keyboard - which featured monochrome LED backlighting - and the nearly identical Logitech G512 gaming keyboard - which featured full RGB backlighting as "night and day".
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According to him, “It really showed that this is what consumers want. They are looking for this complete personalization, whether it is for aesthetics or for functionality.”
It probably doesn't hurt that RGB lighting has been so consistently embraced by influencers and game streamers. Hall says that "it plays a big part in that personalization and expression of who they are as a person."
"Influencers are 100% looking for that personalization in RGB lighting. You'll see that a lot of influencers these days - game streamers in particular - have RGB of all kinds in their scene. Not just on their devices, but behind them, you'll see they have RGB strip lighting or RGB panels so people can see it on their stream.”
Credit: Logitech
Asked if the technology behind RGB keyboards has much room for improvement or evolution, Hall says yes.
"Nothing is ever perfect."
He cites Logitech's G560 speakers as a way forward, with RGB lighting finding life beyond mice, keyboards and other obvious places. Another possibility he suggests is that new technologies like OLED could create new creative possibilities that go beyond the limitations of traditional LED bulbs.
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Razer's director of marketing and software development, Kushal Tandon, told us the same story.
The game accessories brand
first of all
announced its Chroma RGB lighting ecosystem at Gamescom 2014
. Prior to this, Razer products were either lit with blue or green accents.
an overwhelming majority of our products sold are Chroma RGB compatible and this is the most requested feature across all of our hardware categories. Customers love Chroma RGB because of the customization capabilities it brings across devices. Our research shows that a majority of gamers prefer to have all their devices synced with unified lighting effects
Another detail that Razer says came out of their research into the relationship that consumers have with RGB lighting is the notion of a smart desktop.
Credit: Razer
“Our research shows that gamers also want their PC to be the central hub for controlling everything around them. With Razer Synapse IOT and Razer Chroma RGB, we were able to give them the ability to control every device in and around their setup to communicate and interact with each other in real time. »
Tandon also cites developer ambitions as another factor behind the popularity of RGB lighting ecosystems like Chroma.
“Game developers wanted their games to be more immersive in order to stand out, and with Razer Chroma, we paved the way for those developers to take gaming beyond the screen and into the whole room. »
Even if you're someone who doesn't care about RGB lighting, the feature's enduring popularity lends credence to the idea that creativity is an inherently human trait.
As simple and obvious as it sounds and sounds, most gamers probably love RGB lighting because it gives them a say. The opportunity to turn something mass-produced into something that feels more unique or bespoke.
RGB lighting allows a gaming keyboard to be more than just the function it performs.
Credit: IDG/Hayden Dingman
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RGB lighting