Test you Samsung WB600


Good manual mode

Excellent image quality

superzoom lens


Not perfect

Tedious menu system

Samsung WB600: Overview and Features

Samsung WB600: image quality

Samsung WB600: ISO tests

Samsung WB600: sample video

Samsung WB600: Verdict

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At first glance, the 12-megapixel Samsung WB600 doesn't look like a camera that particularly stands out from the crowd of mid-range compacts.

It's constructed from plastic rather than a more exotic magnesium alloy, it's not adorned with manual dials, and it's not until you turn it on and start using the lens that you realize the trick it has up its sleeve - it really is a huge telephoto lens, backed by a camera with enough options to satisfy long distance photographers.


As Samsung's premium compact, the WB600 has some pleasingly high-end features.

The first is given by the mode dial on the top of the camera. There's a fully automatic mode for point-and-click types, as well as a program mode that leaves a lot of control in the hands of the photographer without putting the opening and closing decisions.

But there's also an ASM mode, which lets you set your own aperture or shutter, while the 'M' stands for manual, letting you set a completely custom exposure. In use, the system works quite well .

In fact, changing camera settings requires you to dig into the menu system - another dial to cycle through values ​​up and down would have been a great inclusion - but it doesn't take too long to adjust things as you wish.

The 3-inch LCD screen simulates the exposure resulting from your settings, which is handy if you're not sure what you've done will produce a good picture.

Otherwise the build of the WB600 is good. It's an all-plastic build but feels solid, and while the 3-inch screen isn't as thin as on other Samsung cameras (notably the superb AMOLED display on the Samsung EX1), it's a decent model, if a touch difficult to read in the sun.

But while the WB600 is a bit bulky compared to some, it's worth remembering that it has one of the longest lenses of any built-in compact.

The 15x zoom lens housed in the 2.8cm deep body is equivalent to 24-360mm in 35mm terms. It's very much a telephoto lens, although it's also long enough to do optical stabilization from the image a real necessity. It is so long, in fact, that the motor that drives the zoom mechanism becomes a problem when you want to go from wide angle to telephoto quickly: with a wide to long time of 3, 3 seconds, getting the composition you want takes a bit of patience.

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