Google Pixel 4a and Pixel 3a front cameras are blurry on some devices

There are several reports circling the front camera issue on Google Pixel 4a and Pixel 3a. Users say that their performance drops due to focus issues resulting in blurry images/videos.

As it stands, the issues on both devices are related but not exactly the same.

Google Pixel4a

Pixel 4a users say their front camera focus issues are noticeable in all cases, including using the default camera app (Google Camera).

Complaints about the Pixel 3a, on the other hand, are mostly related to blurry images from the front camera on third-party apps, such as during WhatsApp video calls.

Blurry front camera on the Pixel4a

Compared to the Pixel 3a issues, the Pixel 4a front camera issue seems to be more serious.


It's clear from the above complaints that most images clicked through the front camera result in a blurry image - blurry enough to be easily detected with the naked eye.

Also, the usual troubleshooting suggestions like tap to focus didn't help at all. However, this is quite reasonable considering most smartphone cameras have a fixed front camera focal length. .

And the Pixel 4a is no exception.

The weird thing about this is that although the subject in front is out of focus, the background appears to be in perfect focus. This is independent of the subject's distance (usually at arm's length).

And no, facial retouching isn't the culprit, as most users say they overlooked it. Ditto for screen protectors.


With all potential doubts removed from users, the problem seems to be on the Pixel side. Maybe the minimum focus distance is a bit too far.

But if so, why aren't people facing each other? This indicates a hardware-related problem.

The quote above is taken from GSMArena's Pixel 4a review. If the problem is present even on a review unit, the problem may be more widespread than you think.

Maybe users aren't paying enough attention to it. Or maybe every affected unit has the same problem to varying degrees, some more obvious than others.

Either way, we hope the problem is software-related and will be fixed by a patch update soon.

Blurred video calls on Pixel 3a/3a XL

Some users reported that the front camera of Google Pixel 3a is quite blurry while video calling. Some of the reports have been given below.


Now, some of the reports date back to last year, however, many users said that the problem started only recently for them and was fine once they received the device.

Moreover, this case is only valid on third-party apps like WhatsApp or Instagram, as users say that the front camera video footage through the Google Camera app is perfectly fine.

Chances are, this issue is mostly a manifestation of Android's camera limitations on third-party apps. You can read about that and a bit more in this previous article.

Google Pixel3a

However, given the large number of complaints, the possibility that the problem is a software bug cannot be easily ruled out.

It should be noted here that although the issue has been around for a while, Google has yet to release a fix, let alone a resolution.

For now, you can continue to post your opinion on the Google Forums and just hope that Google fixes this issue soon.

That said, let us know what you think about the Google Pixel 4a and 3a blurry front camera issue.