The Complete Comparison [VIDEO]
Yesterday, Apple launched its latest and most popular smartphone to people who had lined up all over the world. And if there's one company that's jealous of a new product launch from Apple, it's Samsung. The Galaxy S4 is undoubtedly one of the best smartphones available in 2013 and will probably be the iPhone 5s' biggest competitor, and vice versa, of course.
It seems suitable. to put the iPhone 5s and Galaxy S4 through a rigorous comparison to see which really comes out on top. We've already covered the physical hardware and build quality of each of these devices (see: "UPDATE x2" below), and compared them to the hardware king of the Android world: the HTC One, so we'll mainly focus on software and general use in this comparison. If you are deciding which smartphone to buy, the video below should help you get a validated opinion:
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It's fair to say that this comparison will be very useful to people who are of an equal point of view on the whole "Android vs. iOS" debate. If you're already heavily invested in the Apple ecosystem or the Google Play Store, it might be a good idea to stick with that platform. The choice between these smartphones can only be quantified to a certain extent, and there are aspects that you will need to assess before making the decision to buy one or the other. Do you feel comfortable with a 5 inch screen? Is a 4 inch screen too small? Do I need the user replaceable battery addition offered by the Samsung Galaxy S4? These are all questions you need to ask yourself, as the answers will be very different from person to person.
Personally, my current daily driver remains the HTC One. The build quality of the Samsung Galaxy S4 just isn't there for me to pass up. But if I have to choose between the iPhone 5s and the Galaxy S4, I will definitely choose the new iPhone. It's a matter of personal preference in the end. A comparison video like this should help many of you looking to buy a new smartphone.
UPDATEx1: We realize that the browser web page load speed test in the video was unfair for the iPhone 5s when we tested it. on iPhone's Chrome (which is mostly crippled due to restrictions for third-party browsers on iOS) compared to Android's Chrome on GS4. We'll do another video tomorrow showing the browser test in detail with Safari on iPhone 5s which uses Apple's Nitro JavaScript engine.
UPDATE x2: Those of you asking for a physical hardware comparison of the two, here it is:
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UPDATEx3: Here's our second browser speed test, this time involving native web browsers on both devices.
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You can also discover:
iPhone 5S vs Galaxy S4 - Web Browser Speed Test [VIDEO]
iPhone 5s vs iPhone 5 vs iPhone 5c: Side by Side Hardware Comparison [VIDEO]
iPhone 5s vs Galaxy S4 vs HTC One: Side-by-side hardware comparison of flagships! [VIDEO]
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