How to Fix Your Broken AV Sound System Receiver: Tech Clinic
Q: I recently had a party and one of my friends turned up the volume on my AV receiver really loud. Suddenly he stopped. Is it destroyed?
It's possible that your receiver is fried, but don't give up hope just yet. There are two things to check.
Many modern receivers have "protection circuits", specialized pieces of hardware that recognize dangerous volume levels and shut down your hardware, like a digital fuse. Some receivers communicate it to the screen. The Yamahas, for example, display the word "Protection" on the LCD screen. Others may show an error code that you need to look up in the manual.
As long as no hardware was actually damaged when your friend pumped the jams, resetting the protection trip should restore your receiver to working order. . The procedure varies from manufacturer to manufacturer, but most protection circuits can be reset by unplugging the receiver, waiting about 30 seconds for the capacitors to discharge, and plugging it back in. (Be sure to turn the volume down!) As long as nothing is shorted, your receiver should return to normal.
If your receiver still fails, you may have blown a real fuse. Some receivers have a screw-in fuse on the back of the unit which can be easily removed and inspected, while others may have one or more fuses inside the box - you may need to unplug the unit , remove the case and poke around inside see. (The normal caveats about voiding your warranty apply, but if your receiver is over a year old, the warranty has probably expired anyway.)
If you find a fuse that looks blown, it probably is. . Replace it with a new fuse of the same amperage and voltage (available at electronic parts stores such as RadioShack for about 50 cents a pop) and you should be back in business. If, after your correction, the receiver turns on, but turns off after a few minutes, there is a possibility that something is physically damaged inside. At this point, you're looking at a professional repair, not a quick fix at home.
Do not use pliers to remove glass fuses, you will end up breaking them. Instead, use a Popsicle stick for leverage. For hard-to-reach fuses, try threading the string under the fuse, then pull both ends of the string out. (Photograph by David Turner)
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