

2015-06-22, 07:35

HOW-TO: Connect Samsung SmartCam to Kodi If I am repeating a working procedure that has already been posted, I apologize in advance as I did not have the patience to read every article on the subject. I found a few threads on the subject, but most of them deal with non-IP cameras, involve third-party programs to make it work, or are 5 years old with no resolution. I'm also probably posting in the wrong forum. If so, please move it to the correct one.Thanks..I have 2 Samsung SmartCams, an indoor model SNH-P6410BN and an outdoor model SNH-E6440BN.Both are IP cameras, offer 1080P resolution, Micro SD storage + online and WiFi + Ethernet connectivity. To view the cameras, however, you need to log into Samsung's "samsungsmartcam" website, which isn't very convenient if you want to quickly see who's knocking on your door on a Sunday morning or honk in your driveway. The method I will be describing was found in a search for how to connect cameras to the third party program "ISpy". Credit goes to the author "paulostuff" of the following thread on the ISpy forum:

All I did was adapt it to work with Kodi. First, find out the IP address of your camera(s). This can be easily found through your home router, samsungsmartcam website or by double clicking "Network" or "My Network" on your PC Windows. It would be best to assign static IP addresses to your cameras so that you don't have to change your settings if your router decides to distribute new IP addresses to your network devices. Next, replace your IP address and password in the following stream. For password; this is the password you assign to the camera on Samsung's website. is NOT the password you use to access the site, but rather the password you use to view individual cameras when logged into the site. Leave "admin" as it is, don't put your username instead.rtsp://admin:

[email protected]

/profile5/media.smp To test if it works, plug this whole string into a media player that plays "rtsp" URLs, like VLC or Daum PotPlayer (there are many others). It usually takes less than 10 seconds for the stream to appear on your screen. If so, you're good to go. If not, troubleshoot to make sure your IP address and password are correct. I didn't have to transfer anything either on my router or to make other changes to my network to make it work. Note on "profile" in string above. Samsung SmartCams have 6 different profiles named profile1 through profile6. of playing all 6 streams. If you're having trouble try a lower resolution and frame rate. Both of mine play "profile5" just fine and I'm using WiFi to connect to both cameras. profile1: 1920x1080 (1-3 FPS)profile2: 640x360 (9-11 FPS)profile3: 640x360 (19-21 FPS)profile4: 1280x720 (14-16 FPSprofile5: 1920x1080 (23-25 ​​FPS) - Bestprofile6: 640x360 (19-21 FPS) Then create a new file with Notepad++, Notepad or a similar text editor with the file extension ".strm", name is whatever you want. If you have multiple cameras, you can create one file per camera or put multiple cameras in 1 file, on individual lines I prefer 1 file per camera ca r is 1 click less when playing camera feeds. I have 2 cameras, so I named them "Indoor Cam.strm" and "Outdoor Cam.strm". Genius, huh? Copy and paste or type the full rtsp URL as shown above into the file; Save and close the file. To view it in Kodi, place the .strm file(s) in a new or existing folder with your other media that you view with Kodi. I created a new folder just for my 2 files named "Cameras". Open Kodi, go to Videos --> Files --> Add Videos and navigate to the folder where you placed the .strm file(s). Click "OK", assign no scraper to it and click all "OK" buttons until you return to Video Files. That's it, you should be able to click on the new entry in the Video Files area and see the .strm file(s) you just added. Click on the file and in a few seconds the video should appear on your screen. To close it, press the "Stop" button. I saved my folder as "Favorite/Favorite" and then created a new menu entry using the Amber skin. This way I have quick access to it without having to dig into the Videos submenus. Also, the following site lists rtsp settings for a ton of other IP camera brands, so I'm sure it would be easy to fit most IP camera make into these instructions.


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